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We received many concerns, questions from patients regarding recent outbreak of Corona virus, nCov19, or Wuhan’s Corona virus. Please review the updates below just for your information. 

Currently, after having Alpha (1 mutation), Delta (2 mutations) variants, Corona virus (Covid-19) has new variant called Omicron (10 mutations), which is first appeared in Africa in Nov. 2021, later spreads to Israel, Hongkong, Belgium and quickly to the rest of the world. Omicron spreads faster but milder clinical presentation. 

1.What’s Corona virus?
Corona virus is RNA virus.
Corona virus usually causes common cold in human annually. The virus naturally lives in live animals such as bat, pigeons, snakes, etc. It easily mutates when on the animals due to flexible RNA structure. Viruses can spread to human when mutate and having contact via air-born, close contact with infected animals. 
Corona viruses caused outbreaks in human: 2002 SARS, 2012 MERS, 2019 nCoV
2.What do we know about nCoV19?
. Scientists found out the mutation of Corona virus’s RNA sequences in snakes, suspected sold in the live animal market in Wuhan, China (per Lancet) and spread to human. They also isolated 2 mutation forms of CoV19’s nucleotides, “L” type is lighter form; and more severe “S” type which mainly causes more severe respiratory distress and death.
. nCoV19 causes epidemic respiratory outbreak in human with mortality rate of roughly 2-3.4% per region (Korea’s death rate is 0.6% possibly due to more people tested). Noticed 83% in mild condition, 17% in severe or critical condition who need to be checked or admitted into the hospitals. 
. nCoV19 cause of death is due to ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), specifically destroying the surfatant lining of the lung. ARDS is usually resulted by severe (bacterial, viral, fungal) infection, obstruction of the lower respiratory tract. Treatment is mechanical ventilation via ventilators (in ICU).
3.Symptoms, diagnosis of nCoV19:
. Symptoms: incubation 1-2 weeks (mean 8 days). Signs and symptoms: 1. fever (98%), 2. dry cough (76%), 3. shortness of breath-SOB (55%). Most patients have common flu-like symptoms, sore throat. Up to 73% of patients are men. 
. Confirmed diagnosis by 1. (+) Corona virus (nCoV19) test, 2. MRI of lung showed the specific lung lesions. In the U.S., currently test packages is shorted and is needed to decentralize to local hospitals and clinics for better timely testing. Portable 15' tests are now available in certain areas in the US. 

Medications are being studied: 
a.Chloroquine Phosphate/Quinidines (malarial drug) or Hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil (lupus/arthitis treatment drug): are being tested and showed reducing viral load. Recent studies showed possible better effect when combine with Azithromycin, Zinc, etc. A current clinical randomized controlled study (1,100 patients participate) using hydrocychloroquin, combine with Z-pack is taken place in NY.
b.Antiviral medication, e.g. Favipiravir, Remdisavir, and others. are also being tested in vivo incontrolled randomized trials. The later was shown having good result in patients who infected with HIV, SARS, Ebola viruses. 
c.Plasma treatment (immunotherapy): use plasma from the patients who had recovered from nCoV19 to improve immune of patients who have severe nCoV19 infection. 
1. (+) Cov-2 test: 
.Stay home if your O2 saturation >95%, no SOB. Admit to hospital if O2 sat drops <90%
. Avoid hospicalization by monoclonal antibiotics which blocks the viral protein (to neutralize the antibody). FDA approved monoclonal (Bamlanivimab, Casirivimab, Imdevimab, Sotrovimab). Indications: 1. (+) Cov-2 test, 2. Symptoms > 10 days, 3. No need to hospitalization, 4. Signs of progresstion. Contra-indications: pregnancy, advanced ages (>65), chronic diseases. Check with your physicians for further info.
2. (-) Cov-2 test:
b.Recognize the symptoms: fever, sore throat, cough, body ache, etc. 
c.STAY HOME IF YOU’RE SICK, recent contact to (+) corona virus patient (F1), or coming back from a high risk region (F2). Self-quarantine (important) if having risks factors, avoid contact to others in 14 days, wearing masks (fitted N-95 masks has better protection than regular surgical masks),
d. FREQUENT HAND WASHING, hand sansitizer use is recommended, avoid skin, air-born, air drops, body secretion contacts (hand shake, hugging, use same towers, brushes, etc.)
e. AVOID CROWDS, MEETINGS, EVENTS (less than 10 persons)
f. Increase fluid/water intake (2 litters/day). 
g. Cleaning mouth with warm salted water x 3-4 times a day. 
h. Take vitamin D3 5000IU /day, vitamin C 500 mg daily (or 1-2 oranges/day can replace with lemonade juice)
i. Treat/well control underlying diseases (e.g. diabetes, chronic kidney disease, COPD, asthma, allergy, etc.)
j. Take Tylenol as needs for fever, sore throat, body-ache, headache, etc. Controversial studies of using NSAIDs (e.g. Ibuprofene, Naproxen, Indomethacin, Aspirin).
l.See doctors for testing and treatment.

*These updates are for our patients, families and friends’ information only, not for commercial or advertising purposes. You should consult with your personal physicians when having symptoms for proper check-up and treatment.
1. Hydration
2. Sun protection 
3. Vitamins and other supplements for skin
4. Refreshing skin agents
5. Rejuvenating skin procedures
You can do majority (4/5) of the formula by yourself :). Please consult with Dr. Nguyen in further details.